Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Wonders of Technology

Last week our grandson, Dean had open heart surgery. He is a twin. He and Hudson have stolen our hearts. One of the lessons that I re-learned is that we live in a time where the wonders of technology continue to impress. Dean had a hole in his heart. The surgeon, Dr. Christian repaired the hole by placing a mesh-like substance over it. The effects were immediate. His breathing was better. Our son said he noticed his chest felt different. While the first 24 hours were extremely difficult for the little guy and his parents, especially for his mom, Audrey he made daily progress. By Monday the next week he was ready to go home! Simply amazing!

How does this happen? The medical profession through research and development has reached new heights in providing positive results for all ages. Not only was I impressed with the surgeon and her team but also the care Dean received post-surgery. The nurses, residents and doctors did their best to offer quality care for him. And for this I am very, very grateful! Dean certainly experienced an unprecedented amount of pain. But the good news is he will have no memory of the event!

God is good! I do believe the Lord protected and blessed little Dean through the process. We were certainly anxious on the day of his surgery. But also felt protected due to all of the prayers and concern that so many expressed to the Confer family. It is such a comforting thought to know others are lifting up your family in prayer. The Word of God speaks to the peace that passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:6-7) I for one certainly recognized His peace through this trying process. We are grateful God uses people to help and bless the lives of others. The wonders of technology is not an accident. For this I am thankful!