Monday, August 30, 2010


Well its been a week since we have seen our grandsons. And they are grand! It is hard to describe what it feels like to be a gradnparent and watch these little guys grow up! They are so wonderful and funny too! The last time I saw them was back in June. If my math is correct it was about two and half months. My oh my how they changed! I could not believe how much they had grown in that period of time. I must admit I wish we had spent a little more time with them. But they are so friendly. They were not strange to us whatsoever. Hudson loves to do this jumping thing. Dean smiles a lot and laughs. They both sit up really well. They both will soon be crawling. Dean enjoys hugging too. Hudson has four teeth now. It is such a blessing to be apart of their lives. We stare at their pictures on the blog every day. It is a daily routine. It is hard to imagine life before they were born. I was talking with my sister Syd about how great it is to have grandchildren. I hope I never lose that feeling and perspective. Someone at services said to me yesterday that if we could we would have the grandchildren first! I laughed. Our children are a blessing. And so are the grandchildren. May their tribe increase!
I found the perfect Christmas presents for the guys! All I am going to say is that it has to do with the world of sports! But it was one of those items that caught my attention. Their dad has seen a picture of the idea. Who knows maybe I will change my mind between now and then. To Hudson and Dean, have a great week little men!


Pap Confer