Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Switch

Isn't interesting that most people of have an internal switch? Similar to a light switch this internal switch changes a person's attitude, demeanor and actions in a flash. Something is said or done that triggers a reaction that is unanticipated. Perhaps the person becomes angry. Or they go from laughing and talking into a shell of distance. When this happens you think to yourself, "I wonder what happened?" But this dynamic acts very much like a switch.

I have seen it over the years with Christian people. You might think this applies only to those outside the blessing and confines of God's church. But Christians struggle with the internal switch just like others. One day at church a brother corrected a couple of teenagers when the father of one of the teens came around the corner. The two adults argued about what was going on with the teens in the foyer during services. There was nearly a punch thrown. Fortunately the brother who attempted to challenge the teens walked away. Perhaps you have witnessed similar scenes. Maybe you struggle with controlling your inward switch.

I do at times. In certain situations I am severely challenged. My competitive nature is part of the reason why my switch gets thrown. That does not excuse or justify anything that I might say or do. That inward switch stands at the ready. A thought hits my mind and bingo...the switch is thrown! Then I end up saying something I regret. Next I have to apologize. Isn't that fun?! Not really! I was being a little sarcastic. But that is how it happens.

Your spouse, your boss, your best friend, your neighbor each has this internal switch. For some you never know when or what will trigger the internal switch to go off! You say something to your spouse and boom! The switch was triggered and now you spend the remainder of the day in silence because he/she has retreated into a shell. Or you honestly tell your boss what you think about a decision he made and the next thing you know he is yelling at you. At that moment you wish you had not said anything.

My point is a simple one: each of us has an internal switch. At the end of the day we are in charge of the switch. Self-control is something that the Holy Spirit produces in us. (Galatians 5:22-23) God expects us to learn how to control the internal switch. Otherwise you end up hurting others and alienating those you care most about.