Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Stress Free Christmas?

Sounds rather idealistic doesn't it? A stress free Christmas seems to be way out of reach! Who believes Americans can experience the Holidays without stress? While it may be impossible to enjoy a stress free Christmas wouldn't it be great if we could at least reduce the level of stress? Who wouldn't love a lot less stress during these hectic days? Black Friday, long lines, credit cards, buying the wrong gift and a host of other items clutter the experience we know as Christmas Time. What is an American to do? Some suggestions I hope will prove helpful along this line.

First, simplify the experience. What do I mean? Don't get so caught up in buying stuff that you miss the joy of the season. Keeping up with the Jones' reaches a fever pitch when this season of the year strikes. Every year we read or see stories where people are trampled or pummeled in a department store all because of crazed and covetousness folks who want the best deals! If we could de-emphasize the materialism of the season, maybe...just maybe we would feel less stress.

Second, remember that the Season of Giving is about being with your family and friends. This is the time of year when people think of the Christ Child in Bethlehem. Biblically speaking there is no evidence for Jesus being born on December 25th. The idea of gift giving originated with the Magi bringing gifts to the baby Jesus months after He was born. But let's remember it is not about stuff but rather people. We need to get back to emphasizing spending time with those we love. Laughing together and getting caught up with our family members makes for a rich experience during Christmas Time. Your stress level will definitely lessen if you keep in mind that the season is about family.

Third do something kind for a person(s) that cannot repay you. One year when all of our children still lived at home we served a meal at a local homeless shelter on Christmas Eve. It is one of the more memorable Christmas' the Confers ever celebrated. Use your imagination. If there is an elderly neighbor that could use a meal? Maybe there is a needy family that would benefit from some basic items. When we serve others Jesus statement clings to our hearts. "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

My hope is that you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Be safe and enjoy the ride!