Thursday, February 23, 2012

Religious Liberty Takes a Huge Hit

Recently the Obama administration via Obamacare mandated to religious affiliated organizations that they would have to pay for contraceptives and RU-486 abortion pill. After the initial firestorm the administration backed away from the original mandate and suggested a compromise. But the compromise essentially shifted the cost to the insurance companies that provide the insurance for these religious institutions. The primary target was the Catholic Church. Their leaders have vehemently disagreed with the first mandate and the so-called compromise.

The truth about the mandate is that it assaults the First Amendment of the US Constitution. While I am not a constitutional scholar from reading the clause that prohibits the government from restricting the exercise of one's religion this health mandate certainly does just that! How can any administration dictate to any religious organization what they can and cannot cover in terms of employees? The fact that any government entity is forcing a religious organization to violate their own beliefs and conscience is beyond anything we have ever seen in our lifetime! When I first heard of the mandate my jaw dropped! Was I really hearing what the president announced and then the media reported?

When we speak of religious liberty it doesn't matter what faith is profess because we all in the same boat. If this health mandate is allowed to stand then any organization will be subject to follow. I am not Catholic but I share their concern over the loss of one of the fundamental right to practice one's religion without interference from the government. This certainly will "fundamentally transform" our nation from a democratic republic into a quasi-socialist democracy. Once this line has been crossed Katie bar the door in terms of what the government will do next in terms of restricting and regulating our religious practice.

It is time for Americans from all faiths to stand up as one to stop this radical agenda! We have no time to wait!