Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Value Your Friends

Once again life has reminded of an important lesson. Value your friends because of what they bring to our lives. Proverbs 17:17 affirms, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Friendship is one of those heavenly gifts that God grants us to make our lives brighter and better. Most of us can bear about any kind of challenge or difficulty if we know there is someone who loves and cares for us. Friends that are really friends remains with us through the roller coaster of life. Whether we are up or down they continue to be there for us. Friends are able to weep with us while we experience grief. Friends also possess the capacity to rejoice with us when we celebrate those highs that visit us. They are our friends regardless of what is happening in our lives. Proverbs truly captures the essence of friendship.

A friend of mine is here in Indiana this week to teach during our Family Week/VBS. I have known Gary Dodd since our days at then OVC, now OVU. (It will always be OVC to me!) I always have fun with Gary. There are those conversations that turn serious from time to time. But one thing for sure is that I am free to be me. Gary is funny and always makes a person feel valued and appreciated. On occasion he will do something in public I don't quite expect but it usually brings laughter to my day. Like one day we were entering the library at Freed Hardeman University. I was following him. He turns to a girl behind the desk and blurts out, "See that guy he is in love with you!" My face turned red but I trudged along after Gary anyway. So you now know what I mean about the unexpected.

Friends are a blessing. Gary has truly been one to me. And I thank the Lord for friends. They keep us going when we confront struggle and help us to appreciate God's work in the world. So remember to value your friends.

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