Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trying to Improve

You know it is difficult to improve your life. It is so easy and tempting to go through the motions. Maybe you have a bad habit. Or your attitude toward your job is in the tank. Perhaps you need an attitude adjustment toward your mate. So how do you change?

The first thing you have to do is decide. Once you reach that "come to Jesus moment" then you are ready to proceed. Do not focus on the past! Paul encourages us to reach forward to what lies ahead. (Philippians 3:12-14) Dwelling on the past is a dead end. It will keep you from truly transforming.

Second, you have to examine your inward life. Sometimes the Bible calls it your mind. (Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 4:23) Other texts talk about the heart. (Romans 6:17) It is that seat of your affections and the place of your thought process. If you are going to change then it must begin here. You can address behavior. There are things you can do that will help but unless you are truly transformed inwardly those "things" will only last for so long.

Third, as you begin to transform inwardly then you will notice behavioral changes in your life. The thought process is transformed and that brings about an inward change that causes your behavior and character to improve. That is why Jesus began the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes. Attitudes direct and impact so much of our lives.

God intends for us to improve ourselves. Complacency is not a Christian quality.

Have a great week!

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