Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Instead of writing about resolutions for 2012 I thought it might be fun to maul over surprises that often drop into laps. You know those birthday presents or unexpected phone calls from people from our past that simply pop out of nowhere. Surprises can be fun. They can be irritating. One thing for certain is that surprises will occur during 2012. Rather than discuss how we are to negotiate those pesky new years resolutions it might be more interesting to discuss how to react toward surprises.

First surprises can arrive as either positive or negative in nature. Being audited by the IRS is one of those surprises we would rather not experience. But you do your best to negotiate the hassle. The positive ones are definitely more enjoyable! I know that is obvious but sometimes folks will get out of sorts because something good happened but it interrupted their lives. There those surprises that can overwhelm you. Why is it that many folks who win the lottery end up more miserable at the end of the day? The surprise of winning a large amount of money through legalized gambling brings all kinds of challenges. Many people aren't prepared to handle the challenges.

Second surprises happen for a reason(s). Often we simply think it is dumb luck or fate that a positive surprise lands in our direction. However, when unexpected events burst into our lives we must pause to ask, "What is God doing?" That is not a bad question. Surprises are reflections that God is in control. I remember when Debi and I were students are Harding and every once in a while friends of ours would send a check our direction. It was always appreciated. I don't believe this was just a coincidence. God was taking care of us in His own mysterious way. Even the negative surprises can teach us lessons and strengthen our faith.

Third remember that surprises can be used for God's glory. If a large check finds your mail box you might want to bless the local church or some needy family. Surprises do not necessarily have to be used strictly for yourself. You bump into an old friend that you haven't seen in years. Maybe you can invite him/her to church services. Surprises do catch us off guard but if we take the time to think about it perhaps we can bring in kingdom's purposes. God will surely be honored by our choices and actions.

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