Thursday, June 21, 2012

When Things Feel Upside Down

Do you ever have that feeling life is upside down? Lately as I read the headlines and look over the fruited plains of the USA my sense is life most definitely feels upside down! As far back as I can remember being a citizen of the USA made feel proud. Yes I still have that sense of pride but something is going on that has raised my level of concern. It is not one thing that I can pinpoint. Yes there is the culture war raging. The media seems elite and out of touch with most folks. At least much of the media comes across to me that way.

This debate over the definition of marriage almost feels surreal at times. Thirty years ago who could have predicted that the homosexual community would become such a dominate force in our society? Children require a mom and a dad who are faithful and committed first to one another. Mark my words! If our society shifts from the traditional definition of marriage to allow anyone get married of a certain age the nation will not survive! If gays can marry then anyone can marry! If not why not? Marriage will simply cease to exist in any meaningful definition. Can you imagine the confusion for children? At the conclusion of this slide a question will have to be answered. What does it mean to be married in America? The answer will be, "nothing."

There are events unfolding around the nation that I never thought I would witness. Let me be specific. I never thought a sitting president of the USA would disregard the Constitution so blatantly. Who could have imagined an Army psychologist murdering his fellow soldiers in the name of his religion? I am referring to the Ft. Hood shooting. We are so overly sensitive to offending the Muslim community that it appears the military had a wolf in their midst but were unwilling to remove him from their ranks. Political Correctness rules the day. People become offended at the drop of an adjective! As a young kid growing up in central Pennsylvania we called each other names that now would land us in court facing a lawsuit. You think I am kidding but trust me we would definitely be in big trouble in today's hyper-sensitive environment.

Who would have thought a former Penn State football coach would be accused of sexually abusing several young boys? As a Penn State fan the whole scenario seems surreal. And who got the blame? Joe Paterno! He got fired for doing what? It continues to fascinate me how the leaders of the university board dismiss their legendary coach because of what he didn't do! Coach Rick Pitino had an adulterous affair, impregnated the woman, paid for her abortion and then was blackmailed for trying  to cover up the mess. He continues to coach at the University of Louisville. Tell the me the world isn't upside down!

I suppose this sounds like a rant but life doesn't seem to be on balance. It feels like the universe is being swallowed up. Yet there are signs that life will eventually even out. There is are many positives and blessings to be noted. For these things I am grateful. My hunch is the best way to handle the upside down feeling is to go back to basics and focus on the Lord. He remains in control even if it feels like everything is out of control. (Psalm 46)

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