Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why I Voted for Mitt

I must admit to being very disappointed as I went to bed late on Tuesday, November 6th. It was clear to me that President Obama was going to be re-elected. Earlier that day I voted for Mitt Romney. I am thankful for the opportunity to vote my values and conscience. Since I haven't written on my blog since August it may be few will actually read it now! What follows are my reasons for voting for Governor Romney over President Obama.

1) Life - While Mitt Romney changed his position from Pro-choice to Pro-life at least he espouses what I believe. I have a very difficult time voting for any candidate, be he a Democrat or Republican who claims the Pro-choice position. Back in the 1980's I voted for Governor Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, a Democrat over the Republican candidate who was Pro-choice. Governor Casey was Pro-life. I have attempted to be consistent with my values. Life is a basic right granted to us by God. Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence affirmed that we enjoy certain inalienable rights among those are "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness." So Mitt got my vote.

2) Marriage - A second reason I voted for Governor Romney was his position on Traditional Marriage. He believes in the ideal of one man being united to one woman in marriage. (Genesis 2:18 - 25) He has never reversed his view on this fundamental biblical institution. President Obama did hold to this position but earlier in 2012 he changed his mind. He now believes that same-sex couples should have the right to marry. The Department of Justice under his watch no longer prosecute folks who violate the Defense of Marriage Act signed into law by then President Clinton. On this issue it was clear who to vote for and that was Mitt.

3) Economy - I remember what the economy was like under President Jimmy Carter. We had double digit inflation, interest rates and stagnant job growth. Up to that time it was the worst economy in my lifetime. But that changed when President Obama took office in 2008. I know he inherited a tough situation. He promised to cut the deficit in half and instead it grew tremendously during his first term. We now have a 16 trillion dollar debt with over a trillion dollar deficit spending each year. We haven't had a budget in four years. Mitt had a five point plan to get the economy moving again. He would have created 12 million new jobs with his plan. Of course, we will never know. But his time as governor in Massachusetts along with his work at Bane Capital provided me with confidence in his experience. President Obama does not have any private sector experience.

4) National Defense - While President Obama gets credit for "killing" Osama Bin Laden, his National Defense policy seems to be based upon appeasement and is approached from a position of weakness. He refuses to call Islamic Terrorism what it is. He seems to be insistent upon cutting defense spending which does not make sense to me since we are at war. I know the nation never has officially declared war but the reality is the United States is fighting against the Islamic Radicals who chant death to America and do whatever they can to stoke violence against us. So voting for Romney was an anti-Obama vote as it relates to National Defense.

5) Foreign Policy - Benghazi is the result of a foreign policy that remains naive and unrealistic. We still don't know what the administration knew and when. There seems to be a lot of smokescreen going on. The President's position regarding Israel appears to me to be less than genuine. He claims to have Israel's back but much of what he says and hasn't done about Iran speaks to the contrary. So Mitt was my man when it comes to foreign policy. While he doesn't have much foreign policy experience neither did President Obama upon taking office. Mitt is intelligent enough to develop wise counsel around him in order to make sound policy decisions. But we will never know now!

There are other reasons for voting for Mitt. Those will remain with me. I do pray for President Obama, the Congress and the Supreme Court. I pray for the nation as well. May more of my  fellow citizens seek the face of God. I fear for the nation because of the moral and spiritual decline I observe across the fruited plain. I also know God is still in control. (Psalm 46) My faith is in Him. There is not a politician or political party that can save any person(s). Whatever happens during the next four years my hope and prayer is more Americans will rely more on the Lord and less on the government.

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