Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hoping for the Best

One of the cetainties about life is that things change. Sounds strange but it is true. I keep hearing that we are going to experience some really tough times in the USA. Depression is a distinct possibility. As the government borrows to spend in record ways it also grows by leaps and bounds. I am not going to talk politics. But I do believe we should for hope the best and prepare for the worst.

First, hope is a good thing! The Scriptures are full of references to hope. My hope is found in Jesus Christ. "While I don't know what the future holds children of God know Who holds the future." I don't know who said this originally but it rings with truth. Maybe our nation is in for really hard times. It is pretty tough right now. But God is in control and what we need to do is be still and remember He is God. (Psalm 46:10) Americans have been through tough times in the past. One of my favorite periods to read about is the Civil War. Somehow the republic survivied. There have been depressions and The Great Depression that Americans weathered. W.W. II is another hard time but the USA and our allies celebrated victory over the axis powers. As a nation our track record should remind us that tough times do not mean the republic has to crumble! Being hopeful will enable us to move forward and look with confidence toward the future.

Preparing for the worst is not a bad idea. In fact, it is sound advice. Buying extra food. Storing seeds to grow a garden. Getting out of debt. Saving more and spending less are all suggestions I hear about nearly every day. It does not mean we have given up on hope. Yet, we better be ready just in case things go terribly in the wrong direction. Preparation is not only for the Boy Scouts. Americans need to be reminded of the value and wisdom of being prepared. So folks, get ready! Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst!

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