Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Time

The Holidays arrive each year with many of the same challenges, blessings and stressors. Shopping, cooking, decorating and sharing gifts fill the days. Families participate in traditions. The music, decorations, food and dare I suggest, attitudes stand out during this time of year. For the Confer family being together is what we most look forward to. Our traditions include eating cheese fondue Christmas Eve with chocolate fondue for dessert. We eat breakfast made up of leftovers from the night before. Then we open our gifts! Pictures are taken. We laugh and celebrate the season with a great deal of fun. For Christmas lunch/dinner we eat spaghetti, meatballs, fried bread, fried cheese sticks and salad. Also, Debi creates delicious cookies for us to devour. You can see we eat well during Christmas Time.

We watch the old Christmas classics including Its a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street and several of the cartoon, animation specials the kids grew up with. One of animation specials that we love laughing at is the Raisins Christmas. We still enjoy Rudolph and Elf along with a host of others. We listen to the radio, WEWE 97.3 that blares Christmas music for at least a month! The Confers also put up a decorations. I would say ours are rather modest, tasteful and warm. I really like the tree this year! Debi does such a great job with these things. Most years the girls help put up the tree but in 2010 we spent Thanksgiving in Cincy.

Every year is special! I love having the kids and grandsons home! This year Hudson and Dean are joining us for the first time. Needless to say we are fairly excited about them being in Indiana!!! The anticipation for both Mimi and Pap is almost too much to handle! Mimi made the boys stockings. We had fun last weekend hunting (shopping!) for a toy(s). They should have plenty of fun while at our house. I plan on spoiling them big time!

To those who read my blog I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas! May God bless you with health, good times and spiritual renewal.

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