Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I've Been Smitten

It happened. I have been smitten! All kidding aside. My wife and I were smitten last week. We both fell in love with our grandsons! All the waiting and anticipation was well worth it. Hudson David Confer and Dean Ross Confer were born on Thursday January 21st. They share their father's birthday! How cool is that?! These two have stolen our hearts. We simply do not know how to act. We are giddy with joy and celebration. Our lives will be forever changed. People kept telling us that there was nothing like being grandparents. And they were right! In my last blog I wrote about the concept we call anticipation. What a blessing from God to be a grandparent! I have a whole new appreciation for Psalm 128:6 where David said, "May you see you children's children. Peace be upon Israel." Those two pslams (127 & 128) speak to the seasons of family life. This season is very special indeed. God is so good!

I just feel very blessed to have held and kissed our grandsons. They are wonderful beyond words! The feeling you carry around is a combination of joy, euphoria, gratitude and pride. Those of you who are grandparents know exactly what I mean. I have to admit we did not truly understand what others meant until we saw those boys in the nursery at the hospital. Once you get to see them the emotions almost overwhelm you. It is a genuine blessing to experience this happy event. Our grandsons have been blessed with loving, caring Christian parents. That also makes a grandparent feel really positive. I remember how proud we felt when our own were born. You are flying high to be sure. Being a grandparent has the same kind of sense but even more so. I am not sure I can explain it. As one brother told me you just have to experience it. As a grandfather I can only say, "Amen."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


My wife and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first grandchildren. Our son and daughter-in-law are expecting twin boys any day. We are brimming with anticipation. It is hard to imagine that we are going to be grandparents! What an exciting time in our lives! We can hardly wait to see and hold these little gentlemen. A verse from Psalm 128 keeps running around my head. "May you see your children's children! Peace be upon Israel!" (verse 6) I vividly remember the births of our three children. I didn't know quite what to expect in terms of how I would feel. Everyone keeps telling us that there is nothing quite like having grandchildren. Of course all this does is add fuel to the fire of anticipation. Our hope is that they will come soon. Otherwise I am likely to explode due to the building up of anticipation. Just kidding!

I am also reminded of the song by Carly Simon "Anticipation." I remember the song being used in a ketchup commercial. That certainly has been the theme in our home. Anticipation adds energy to life. And while we don't know exactly what this experience will be like as grandparents we certainly know the Lord will be with us. Grandparenting sounds similar to opening presents on Christmas morning. It requires some work ripping open the gifts but boy it is fun! A number of grandparents have shared with me how much energy it takes to keep up with those bundles of energy bouncing around your home. But the joys of playing with them and spoiling them are unmatched! Hearing these things and the stories from friends who are grandparents also stokes the feeling of anticipation. Perhaps this is God's plan that grandparents enjoy their later years through the blessing of their grandchildren. God is good!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

When Heroes Fall

I recently read an article in Sports Illustrated about the fall of Tiger Woods. The author bemoaned how sad it is when a sports incon crashes and burns. I don't disagree with his analysis. What a tragic set of sordid details we have been subjected to. Many sports fans were shocked as I was to learn of Tiger's two lives. He certainly presented a squeaky clean image. His one weakness for some of us was an overconfidence he carried with him. Perhaps that is where the boil began that led him down the path to self-destruction. My hope and prayer is that Tiger take the advice of Brit Hume and surrender to the message of Christianity. I feel badly for his wife and children. Whether or not Tiger changes his life and begins afresh remains to be witnessed.

It is also fascinating to listen to the sports pundits wring their hands about how this saga will impact the PGA Tour. Then you throw in the conversation the loss of sponsorships and Tiger loses even more money. But all of that pales in comparison what this has done to his family and to him personally. Forget all of the other, peripherial stuff. Something Jesus said rings in my ears, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? or what shall a man give in return for his life?" Now that is something worth commiting to memory and holding onto.

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Is Here

It is difficult to get my head around it but 2010 has arrived! Where has the time gone?! It is about time to get started on those new year's resolutions, don't you think? I have determined to keep my list short. Over the years I have discovered that these new goals get bogged down in a matter of weeks if not days. It is hard to keep motivated.

One thing for sure, I plan on keeping focused on what is most important and enjoying the moment. Perhaps it is aging that does it. For whatever the reason as time sprints on I am more aware of living in the present. There is not much I can do to alter the course of past events. The future is also difficult to do get a handle on. Personally, I like what the apostle wrote. "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15-16) If I make the best use of the time I have life will be more in line with what the good Lord intended.

One thing is certain: there is no promise for tomorrow. So I intend to be present at all times and do my best to appreciate what God has extended my direction. Be sure keep close to God and to enjoy today.

Oh...and be a blessing to someone.