Thursday, January 7, 2010

When Heroes Fall

I recently read an article in Sports Illustrated about the fall of Tiger Woods. The author bemoaned how sad it is when a sports incon crashes and burns. I don't disagree with his analysis. What a tragic set of sordid details we have been subjected to. Many sports fans were shocked as I was to learn of Tiger's two lives. He certainly presented a squeaky clean image. His one weakness for some of us was an overconfidence he carried with him. Perhaps that is where the boil began that led him down the path to self-destruction. My hope and prayer is that Tiger take the advice of Brit Hume and surrender to the message of Christianity. I feel badly for his wife and children. Whether or not Tiger changes his life and begins afresh remains to be witnessed.

It is also fascinating to listen to the sports pundits wring their hands about how this saga will impact the PGA Tour. Then you throw in the conversation the loss of sponsorships and Tiger loses even more money. But all of that pales in comparison what this has done to his family and to him personally. Forget all of the other, peripherial stuff. Something Jesus said rings in my ears, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? or what shall a man give in return for his life?" Now that is something worth commiting to memory and holding onto.

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